This Day in Tech History

On This Day . . .by Nick Podushak

“Revolutionary and Magical” – iPhone Introduced


January 9, 2007: Jobs Introduces iPhone

It has been 15 years since Steve Jobs and Apple unveiled the iPhone at the Macworld convention in San Francisco. Jobs was dressed in his customary jeans and black mock turtleneck and called the iPhone a “revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” When it went on sale in the United States six months later thousands of customers lined up at Apple stores across the country to be among the first to purchase an iPhone.

jobs_white_iphone_4The iPhone helped turn Apple into one of the planet’s most valuable corporations. Originally available in a 4GB, $499 model and an 8GB, $599 model, Apple sold:

  • 1.4 million iPhones in 2007
  • 11.6 million in 2008
  • 20.7 million in 2009
  • and nearly 40 million in 2010.
  • In 2012, five years after the iPhone’s debut, more than 200 million had been sold.

Jobs Introduces the iPhone at Macworld

Rest of the Story:




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